Earn A Computer
Project Overview
The Earn a Computer project is a joint effort between Knox Makers and the Knoxville Technology Cooperative (TechCo). The intent is to provide a curriculum for the education of children in the Knoxville area, culminating in the donation of a fully functional computer to the recipient. The program is loosely modeled on the St. Louis, MO curriculum from byteworks.org We will begin with 5 pairs of Big / Little brothers and sisters from Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee. The first classes will be taught at the TechCo space in downtown Knoxville. There will be 6 classes of 1.5 hours each, 2 in a day with lunch in between. For instance, from 10:30 to 12:00, then from 1:30 to 3.
Tentative Dates
Tentative dates will be 3 Saturdays: November 10th, November 17th, and December 8th.
Presentation Topics
EAC 1.0 topics will include:
Computer Introduction and Hardware - Jess
Computer Graphics - Eric
Internet and Safety - Joe
Sound Production - Shane
Productivity Software - Brian
Scratch / Programming - Mike Neil
Project Dependencies
- Need to acquire hardware. Joe to work with Tellico Village Computer Users Group and see if we can get fully assembled systems. If not, we will build our own
- Need to acquire software. Each group member shall be responsible for requirements for their own class.
- Need to form curriculum - each member will form their own 1.5 hour class for their subject
- Need designated assistants for each class