Chaos Race: Sierpinski Laser Game: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 14:54, 18 August 2012

This is an interactive Sierpinski idea, maybe fun for the kids: The Chaos Race.

Develops understanding of the Sierpinski Triangle algorithm, spatial estimation skills, hand/eye coordination.

Projected on the wall is a playing zone... that's where you'll build your triangle. But you'll be graded on accuracy and speed.

  -the hardware: a computer, a projector, and a webcam.
  -your weapon: a laser pointer, maybe with a wrist mount and cool trigger mechanism to make you feel like a superhero.
  -the beginning: you "shoot" any three points in the zone, creating the vertices of the triangle. The computer will, via webcam input, register those shots and project marks to record the locations.
  -the build: 
     -the build clock starts when you shoot a random point anywhere inside the triangle. The computer marks that spot.
     -the computer will then, at random, highlight a vertex.
     -you must, as quickly as possible, shoot at the point halfway between your starting point and the highlighted vertex. The computer marks that spot.
     -the computer will again, at random, highlight another vertex.
     -you must, as quickly as possible, shoot at the point halfway between your most recent point and the highlighted vertex. The computer marks that spot.
     -...until you run out of time! 
     -a numerical value, based on the accuracy of your shots and the number of points you were able to mark in the time allotted. 
     -the points may also be colored by accuracy, so it's drab if it's inaccurate (and also looks less like the actual fractal) or very colorful if you're right on the mark.