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Board Meeting: February 23, 2018
Time & Location
- Meeting Located at 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN
- 7:00 PM
Board: Doug Laney, Tracy Homer, Issac Merkle, Jondale Stratton, Bryan Howard, James Broyles, Laurie Kay
Members: Andrew Messersmith
- Went over last month's meeting minutes
- Reviewed financial status, as painlessly as possible
- Went over Board todo list
- Discussed upcoming grant opportunities
- Letter of Intent submitted to East Tennessee Foundation - will hear back April 2nd
- Application submitted to City of Knoxville
- Bailey Opportunity Grant - this might be our last year to apply due to Annual Gross Revenue (application due March 18)
- Discussed having a standard "kit" for doing outside events
- Doug told us not to have a Knox Makers booth at the local Nazi rally
- Talked about Killswitch and how best to proceed with repairs and competition
- Issac said that Killswitch without competition would be a "fucking Gallagher show" and that crushing watermelons is sad
- Discussed whether things like metal or woodworking filters should be paid for out of the general budget or the zone budgets
- Briefly mentioned membership subsidies to zones and whether to segregate the metal zone into smaller zones
- Bathroom break!
- Laurie will eat weird things for money
- Jondale updated us on updating the legal documents - with handouts!
- Still needed: Membership Agreement, Leased space agreement, waivers for minors, media release
- Can we have a TL;DR for our documents?
People that Doug shot with the marshmallow gun
- James
- Tracy
- Issac
- James again
- Andrew's member vote was up, so we awkwardly voted for him in front of him