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Board Meeting: March 3, 2019

Time & Location

  • Meeting Located at 116 Childress St SW, Knoxville, TN
  • 2:00 PM


Board: Issac Merkle, Jondale Stratton, Tracy Homer, Bryan Howard, Sue Joslin, Billy Huddleston, Tabby Sheldon, Sean Simoneau, Andrew Messersmith

Members: Tony Baker, Jeff Drum, Bobby Sheldon, John Nowak


  • Vocabulary word for the day: Hypothecate: To pledge (property) as security or collateral for a debt without transfer of title or possession.
  • Jeff updated us on the situation with the outside tenant and the drama that ensued the night before, and apologized for changing the lock.
  • Jeff also updated on the main door being replaced.
  • Jeff is great.
  • Sue gave financial update.
    • 169 members
    • $3 profit for February! yay!
  • Decided to wait until later in the year to allocate general funds to the zones.
  • Sue presented the 2019 Operating Budget (one vote, see below).
  • Issac recommended that Sue wears a turban next time she makes financial predictions
  • Andrew gave codes compliance update.
    • Have stamped paperwork for the dust collection system. yay!
    • Still need to procure uni-strut for electrical issues.
    • Really need to get that extra egress in. Discussed logistics regarding that.
  • Andrew updated on grants - submitted outdoor metal shop plans to the city - no update yet.
  • Jondale led discussion on an Equipment Lease form and Equipment Donation form.
    • Adopting these forms is a great idea, but have to be looked over for exact wording - will be discussed next month.
  • Discussed how to empty the rental bays. Do we get a storage unit for the KM stuff, or just get rid of it?
  • Plan to start charging for tall storage on April 1st. Bryan/Sue will contact current renters.
  • Discussed how to deal with "Not Quite Right" content during show and share.
    • Going to try having a sign up sheet for show and share.
  • Sean updates on community opportunities.
    • Sean is trying to get something together for the Asheville Mini-Maker Faire
  • Discussed member that shot the commercial in the space (two votes, see below).
    • Attempted contact in various ways to ask more information from him/her.
    • Questions are two fold; how to gain more information about commercial, and what to do about member.
  • Discussed what it means to terminate a member - never done that before.
    • It does not mean banning someone as a guest from the space, that would be separate.
  • Letter will be drafted to member and his/her sponsor to inform them of their membership termination.
  • Discussed policy regarding the cameras - what is appropriate to look at footage? Who is allowed to see footage?
    • Issac will draft a policy
  • Next board meeting: April 27 at 2pm. (lets make that a nice one!)


  • Unanimously voted to approve the Operating Budget for 2019
  • Unanimously voted to send a letter to the bank from our attorney in an attempt to gain more information.
  • Unanimously voted to remove above mentioned member from organization (Issac, Billy, and Tracy recused themselves from voting)