Buy Everyone Pizza policy

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The Buy Everyone Pizza policy is a general rule of thumb and does not strictly relate to pizza.

A general donation such as pizza for everyone who shows up to a Tuesday night event is expected for things like leaving the space in ill shape, leaving a tool in disrepair without using or telling someone, etc.

For very large events, offenders are expected to at least contribute in some way. No one expects you to buy 100 people pizza because you forgot to vacuum after using wood tools for a few minutes. It's not necessarily relative and some things will obviously just get you kicked out, banned from a tool or workstation, etc., no matter how much pizza you buy.

This is a casual and informal rule. A benefit is the community gets something and the idea of taking care of the place is reinforced. We have to share our quarters and resources, so leaving the space in at least as good a condition as found is always appreciated. So is pizza when a transgression occurs.

There are two steps to sate your adherence to Buy Everyone Pizza:

1. Be respectful of our shared space and tools. This includes projects and other peoples' boundaries. However, you shouldn't buy pizza for everyone if you harass someone, you should just not harass anyone. We don't allow harassment.

2. When you find you've failed a minor to moderate contrast to the first step, admit it and do something kind that benefits everyone like pizza for a main workshop. There are some situations where there is a different appropriate action to take. If in doubt, ask the Board or a trusted longstanding community member. If it seems like something you should work out with someone in private and they are willing, try that. Everyone slips up, forgets to sweep up part of their mess, forgets to put something away. It happens. As long as it seems like you are trying to do right and take care of our space with us, you're good. But do bring pizza or somesuch if you drop the ball, critical thinking encouraged.

This isn't a subjectively affordable loophole for someone to just shirk their own mess onto others with payment of food or things. We strive to stay away from excessive policies and we operate on the honor system for as many items as possible. When there are lots of people who help out with this kind of thinking about how to grow and maintain the space directly, it causes fewer formal policies to need to be written.