LinuxCNC For Laser

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This section provides directions on how to use LinuxCNC to drive the laser cutter.

Launch LinuxCNC

When logged in as "laseruser", there should be two items on the desktop. One is an icon for LinuxCNC with the icon of a penguin labeled "2x..." and a folder called "Gcode". The folder called "Gcode" is where all the G-Code files should be kept. To launch LinuxCNC, double click the penguin icon.

<insert image here>

Initializing Software

When the software first launches, it will be in a safe mode to prevent operation of the unit.

<insert image here>

Click the first icon, labeled "Toggle Emergency Stop" to enable the software.

<insert image here>

After enabling the software, click on the other button and do the other thing.

<insert image here>

At this point, the software is ready to do the things.

Loading a file

Stuff Image Clear live plot

