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Candidates for Removal

Clockwise from the front door:

  • Server Rack - Shane's view is this is utterly unnecessary. Get cloud servers for projects. Physical hardware is hot, powersucker, dirty, takes footprint
    • Inside is a projector, toolboxes, laptops, shit on top including multiple computers. We already have 4 space computers... we don't need more.
    • Proposed Action: Sort and, as appropriate, remove remaining items. Action Owner: [????]

  • Piles of buckets and dirty rags in front of the sink
    • Proposed Action: create rag system: clear plastic bins, on new shelf system ( =near sink); clean, dirty. When clean's empty or dirty's full... clean 'em! Action Owner: [????]

  • Plates / napkins / water / food storage is a mess and needs to be cleared out
    • Proposed Action: Tidy up / clear out. Action Owner: [????]
    • Proposed Action/change: Offering construction/adaptation of light duty cart or unit to contain all human supplies including refrigerator, pending more pressing projects. Further propose ruling that perishable food trash must be "sealed" (tied bag) or removed at end of session, and nonrefrigerated food items be sealed in appropriate manner before owner exit. In lieu of steps, establish fund to eventually pay exterminator for services. Just because we don't see bugs doesn't mean they aren't there. --Strangegun 08:12, 28 March 2013 (EDT)

  • Computer desk with 2 space computers and 3 monitors need to go away (unused)
    • Proposed Action: Convert to 3D printing center (was that not a semi-solid plan?) Action Owner: [????]
    • That was a solid plan, but it was supposed to be phased. Let's consider getting rid of CRT monitors and waste of space computers.- Laz

  • Desks along the wall covered with build items for 3D printing construction.
    • Proposed Action: fold the tables, store compactly. They'll be useful, just not now. Request removal / tidying of inactive printer builds. Action Owner: [????]
    • All those printer builds are active, and andy is close to finishing up. I'll take my other table home with me to get it out of the space. The first one got a hole cut in it, and I was pretty pissed about that. I'll take it out before something shitty happens to that one as well. --Laz
    • Comment: Seems to me this will play out by itself. As far as the cut table goes, see proposal in section below.--Strangegun 08:12, 28 March 2013 (EDT)

  • Workbench with piles of shit under it including 2+ ancient monitors, broken 3D printer never used, tubs of personal storage
    • Proposed Action: Request removal of other items. Action Owner: [????]
    • Proposed action: When storage available for existing items under bench, area needs cleared long enough to improve bench structure and then can be reallocated. Benches are unstable and have loosened to point where motile mass of 3D printer can cause perceptible vibration and motion; side pressure on bench causes motion measurable in inches. Nothing drastic needed, just strategic bracing and tightening.--Strangegun 08:12, 28 March 2013 (EDT)

  • Back table has piles of stuff under it... cardboard boxes empty and full of shit, old heaters, plywood scraps and stuff, boxes of bolts, electronics components
    • Proposed Action: Request removal of other items. Action Owner: [????]
    • Proposed Action: Promptly replace with a structured storage plan, else that space will promptly be refilled. Action Owner: [????]
    • Proposed Action: Mass storage is upcoming after workbench mods complete (est. 3/28 or 3/29 completion). Other comments included in 'back wall' group below. --Strangegun 08:12, 28 March 2013 (EDT)

  • Back wall... OMG where to start? Cant get to tools because of shit in front of them. Have these tools ever been used? (bandsaw, planer, miter saw etc). *Multiple cabinets of SHIT. THrow it out. Stacks of materials / scrap wood / flat panels
    • There's a planer?
    • Proposed Action: Improve access to these tools, which have all been used, yes. Action Owner: [????]
    • Proposed Action: Remove reflective panel. I began to do that, was shamed into trying to keep it for another purpose, failed partway through. Ditchit. Action Owner: [????]
    • Motion seconded on the tool usage bit. The trash storage needs to be addressed. It may be time for a hack-a-thon to clean out some scrap. The rules are everything that gets used must be taken away. - Laz
    • Proposed Action: Relax. Sizeable portion of clutter due to having needed to relocate items on/under EWB during project, most ended up on rolling shelf but materials/boxes shifted and stacked, more than was removed will be moved back. As far as small tools, I notice that it's time to reorganize the tool roller and consolidate again as some shelves are stuffed and some nearly empty. Upcoming minor project is getting the shop-thingy multitool on wheels. Again, let this play out; it's bad because of the EWB project's disruption and my time being pulled off of entropy reduction.--Strangegun 08:12, 28 March 2013 (EDT)

  • Table of machine tools not used or working (mini lathe, drill press?)
    • Proposed Action: adopt/develop machine tools education program. Action Owner: [Facilities Director]
    • Comment: Disuse of large tooling is more than likely a side effect of inefficient work area. Resolutions to this are only days out, then I can shift some focus to workflow and useability concerns.--Strangegun 08:12, 28 March 2013 (EDT)

  • Printer enclosure
    • Proposed Action: Suggest proposed action. Action Owner: [Shane?]