Purchasing Policy

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Knox Makers Purchasing Policy

This Purchasing policy documents different types of purchases using KnoxMakers funding. Only the Board and Czars/Czarrinas have the authority to make purchases on Knox Maker’s behalf. The Zone must also have the funds. This policy defines four types of purchases:

Member reimbursement

Before any purchases less than $100 can be made for a zone, the zone must have the budget to cover the cost. Purchase receipts must be approved by Czar/Czarrina of the zone being charged and submitted to the Treasurer for re-imbursement.

Purchase Order for Class

The Event submission form has an area to list items for purchase and who will purchase. If re-imbursement is requested there isn’t a need to list all the details in this section. Simply list what and how much. Be sure to forward the website receipt or give the Treasurer the paper receipt.

Also be sure to either include a dollar amount in the Event description that covers the materials per ticket. This amount is taken off the top of each ticket sale and reimbursed to the Zone. The remaining ticket revenue will be split between Instructor Fees, General and Zone Revenue. The material cost and material revenue will be charged to the Primary Zone designated.

A purchase order needs to be submitted when either of these statements apply:

  • Knox Makers makes the purchase (Tax-exempt)
  • the total of the purchase is over $100

Purchase Order for Zone

This form is on the Wiki and linked from the Knox Makers website. Use this form when the specifics of the purchase is known and KnoxMakers will purchase Additionally, if the amount is over $100, the Board must approve by majority vote.

Purchase Intent for Zone

This option allows for a future purchase. As examples, Electronics wants a better Bench Power Supply or Fabric Arts wants to add a Leather Sewing Machine- In both cases, the cost is more than $100. In the case of the Power Supply, it may be an internet sale where quantities are dwindling quickly and there is an urgency to purchase quickly. In the case of the Leather Sewing Machine, there could be several buying options; brand, model, options and prices. If Zone funds aren’t sufficient, describe how the additional funds will be acquired. As with the Purchase Order, the Intent Form needs to provide enough detail for the Board to determine whether the purchase is in the best interest of KnoxMakers. Once approved, the requestor is authorized to continue with the purchase.