Using Inkscape with the Laser Cutter

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The preferred method for creating files for the Laser Cutter is Inkscape It can be downloaded here: Inkscape. In addition, Knox Makers has a bundle of Inkscape extensions for use with our machine. They can be downloaded here: KM-LASER.

Inkscape Basics

This tutorial shows how to make simple shape in Inkscape. It is the same tutorial that is used in the Laser Operation Class

Creating a shape

  1. Open a new file in Inkscape.
  2. Go to Edit > Preferences and select Geometric Bounding Box
  3. Create a shape (square, circle, or star button)
  4. Choose select tool (arrow button)
  5. Select your shape
  6. Set X and Y positions to 0
  7. Set width and height (click padlock button to keep image proportional)
  8. Go to Extensions > KM LASER > HERSHEY TEXT
  9. Type the text into the box and click Apply
  10. Use the X and Y positions to center your text in your shape

Setting the color of your shape to determine the level of engraving

  1. On the bottom, to the right of the color bar is a small arrow ( < ). Click this and select KM-Laser by Color
    • Clicking palate color will select object's fill color. Shift+clicking palette will set the object's stroke color.
  2. Set your shape to black stroke with no fill.
  3. Set your text to light blue stroke with no fill.
    • When using the By Color option the following stroke colors translate to the labeled actions:
Color Action
#000000 Cut
#ff0000 Cut
#0000ff Engrave (Heavy)
#00ffff Engrave (Light)

Path to Gcode

This extension is the work horse for the bundle. It takes the paths from your design and turns them into gcode required to run our laser cutter. This extension is based on part of Gcodetools but has been heavily altered for our purposes.

Here's a video showing how to set up the file options the first time you use Path to Gcode:


This extension lets you use different stroke colors to represent different laser powers (cut, engrave(heavy), engrave(light)). Here's a video showing the use of the By Color presets option:


When using the By Color option the following stroke colors translate to the labeled actions:

Color Action
#000000 Cut
#ff0000 Cut
#0000ff Engrave (Heavy)
#00ffff Engrave (Light)

NOTICE: When setting the hex values in Inkscape, the value is actually RGBA which has an alpha (opacity) value at the end so you will need to add an ff to the end of the values above.

Hatch Fill

This extension allows you to fill in any closed figure in your design with lines or crossed lines. This is useful when you want to engrave an entire area within your design. This extension is based on part of the eggbot extensions.

Here's a quick video on how to use it:


Hershey Text

Hershey Text produces single-stroke text that is appropriate for cnc engraving or plotters. This extension is based on part of the eggbot extensions.

Here is a quick video on the difference between it and Inkscape fonts:


Tabbed Box Maker

This extension creates the paths necessary to cut out tabbed boxes. This extension is based of the extension you can find here.

Here's a quick video on how to use it:
