Hacker Consortium Core Dump

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Our trip to the Nashville Hacker Consortium space was fantastic. With the hours of dialog we engage in with the Nashville and Memphis guys, there was a LOT of ideas and discussion.

Let's try to capture some of it here while it is fresh. Please list the key ideas you picked up from our meeting, other ideas you had as a result here.

This is just a rough core dump - just put the ideas down now and we will sort out the bodies later.

Corporate Structure




  • Regularly scheduled meetings at coffee house, Barley's etc.
  • Presentation meetings: Designated coordinator


  • Location Candidates
  • Check out UT Amateur Radio space, compare values to ETTAC. Decide on one and move forward.
  • RFID / proxcard / other access control
  • Video feed (pw protected)
  • Equipment donations
    • Jack Coats of the Hacker Consortium was kind enough to donate a set of cast Mendel RepRap http://reprap.org/wiki/Mendel parts for the group, which Andronicus has taken custody of until he can lead a Reprap project/presentation.
    • The Hacker Consortium folks strongly suggested we reach out to Instructables to see if they would be willing to offer us a starting Makerspace care package.
      • And I have just sent that email off. --Sam the Giant 12:57, 17 April 2011 (EDT)
  • Freecycle http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freecycleKnoxville/


