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Revision as of 22:39, 16 February 2025 by Tracy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Board Meeting: == === Time & Location === February 16, 2025, 4pm virtually via Big Blue Button === Minutes === *This year each person on the board will report on their individual projects so we can keep everyone on task *Issac (President Shop Cat) **Spark - our lease is ending this year fall and we have the option to renew for a five years ***We will need to decide what to do about renegotiating that **Documentary - Issac thinks they are done shooting - at least t...")
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Board Meeting:

Time & Location

February 16, 2025, 4pm virtually via Big Blue Button


  • This year each person on the board will report on their individual projects so we can keep everyone on task
  • Issac (President Shop Cat)
    • Spark - our lease is ending this year fall and we have the option to renew for a five years
      • We will need to decide what to do about renegotiating that
    • Documentary - Issac thinks they are done shooting - at least the group stuff
    • Maker Education Meetup is this Tuesday at KM about 5-6pm - inviting them to stay for cookout and following
    • Building opportunity - we have had one come up and will be viewing it even though we're pretty sure it's not for us - we want to foster willingness and gratitude for the lead
    • Maker Market - we have been offered to work with Vestival but unsure if we are going to do the market with them or if we will participate in any way
    • Scholarship program - we are funded to do three this year :tada:
    • Steps House (local program for people get back on their feet) has approached Issac to meet and talk about shared goals and supporting each other - not sure what they have in mind but we'll find out I guess
  • Sue (Treasurer)
    • Someone donated a lovely sum to us from their IRA distribution
    • Someone else donated to the scholarship fund and got matched by their employer
    • New norm on expenses - $150/mo for potluck, the general fund will be absorbing costs for propane and welding gas to pull the lift off the zones
    • Already ready to put more in the money market account
    • Sue is working on trying to get set up for people to do ACH and subvert Paypal and Quickbooks entirely
  • Tracy (Membership Dictator)
    • Membership count: 351
    • Tracy will begin her quarterly purge in March so make sure your dues are paid up
  • Russell (Community coordinator)
    • Talks and Crafts - Russell is filling up the schedule with cool stuff and working with Daryl about putting stuff on the websites
    • Newsletter - making progress on content, format, etc. and hoping to get one out next month
      • Will Issac do horoscopes?
      • Lots of great information and plenty of tomfoolery
    • Tool instruction videos - Russell is working with czars about making checklists on some tools, more reference materials and after all that - maybe some videos
    • Russell would like to announce that Larry is the new Hack Rack Ambassador - to help keep it contained and cleaned up
  • Jondale (Technical director)
    • Single Sign-on - one of his goals of the year to move everything to our own cluster and move all of our services to single sign on - make it easier for members to access all of the sites
      • It has been confusing in the past since there is separate logins for website and MM - so click Jondale's link in All Members
      • We possibly can help people on Tuesdays
    • Mesh Central - allow czars to access to any machines that are in their zone (that are connected to the network)
    • Also hoping to do a refresh on haxdb (the membership database) and invite other people to help with that
    • Mayor's Maker Council - talked about Dogwood Arts Festival - will be much the same as last year - hopefully more demos/workshops from us this year
  • Daryl (Communications)
    • Working on website refresh, infrastructure, etc.
    • Now working on the plugins and the store and needs access to all the things
  • Sean (Creative director)
    • Pecha Kucha - do we all want to go and check it out - maybe one of us do one in the future
    • Sean knows someone from Ramblin Man podcast so might try and get KM featured
    • What is the best time ahead to put our classes on Social Media so that members get first run?
    • Sean is working on a brand guideline
  • Billy (Facilities)
    • Offline tags and parking tags- Billy is looking for holders and decided best to make some holders (anyone want some laser and Inkscape experience?)
    • Vertical storage - working on cleaning that up and making spots available
    • Greenhoe asked for a power drop
    • We should talk about shop air compressor - the proposal was missing the addition of the paint booth and looking to confirm layout and who will pay for it
  • Other stuff
    • Sue wants to be the ambassador for a December holiday gift exchange
    • Next meeting March 16, 2025
